
Hi! Thank you for visiting!

This blog is a dedicated space to discuss my writing projects. I’ve always loved writing, but it’s only the past few years that I’ve undertaken big projects.

My first completed novel is called Cadence: Secrets of Wings  which you can look at by clicking the link.

Cadence will always be my first love. She taught me that:

  1. I love writing novel length pieces
  2.  I need a lot more practice if I’m ever to write my own “masterpiece”.

I am currently writing a top secret story with my best friend AND writing a novel on my blog. I am very much in love with both!

My ultimate goal is to have a traditionally published book. That would be a dream come true. In the meanwhile, I am shaping my craft and researching writing techniques. I’m still finding my voice and feeling around for my genre.

I hope to connect with other authors, both seasoned vets and noobies. WordPress is a networking opportunity for all of us!

Please follow my blog and I’ll follow you back.

Finally, the best way to describe my obsession is….I don’t write because I want to, I write because I have to.



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The copyright of material on this website (including without limitation the text on this website) is owned in its entirety by R.L. Lib


R.L. Lib does not grant you (or any individual, company, club, ect.) any rights in relation to this website or the material on this website.   All other rights are reserved.




You may request permission to use the copyright materials on this website by writing to authorrllib@gmail.com


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If R.L. Lib discovers that you have used its copyright materials in contravention of the license above, R.L. Lib may bring legal proceedings against you seeking monetary damages and an injunction to stop you using those materials.  You could also be ordered to pay legal costs.


Infringing material


If you become aware of any material on the website that you believe infringes your or any other person’s copyright, please report this by email 


Any likeness to real or fictional characters, people, places, ect. Are purely coincidental. R.L. Lib does not base any character off of real people that she knows personally.

 All works on this website are original. 

Pictures, drawings, memes, were discovered on the internet and do not fall under my copyright license. Copyright infringement on this site is accidental. If there is any picture, meme, drawing, ect. that you or someone you know owns, please email authorrllib@gmail.com for prompt removal.

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